🏒 15 curiosities about Samsung that you didn't know!

If you’re passionate about technology, you’ve surely encountered the South Korean giant Samsung. Today, Samsung is known for its cutting-edge products, from smartphones and televisions to home appliances and memory chips. But behind its modern and sophisticated brand image, there are fascinating facts that reveal the history and evolution of this technological powerhouse.

In this text, we’ll explore intriguing facts about Samsung, delving into its humble origins, revolutionary innovations, and the significant impact the company has had on the technology industry and daily life.

Get ready to discover details that go beyond what you see on store shelves and learn about the story behind the products that define our time.


Samsung, when translated literally, means "three stars". In Korean, it is written as μ‚Όμ„±, using two ideograms. But what is the reason behind this name? The answer lies in the philosophy of the company’s founder, who saw the number three as a symbol of strength, greatness, and abundance.

To him, three represents the power of unity and collaboration among many people. The word "star" alludes to celestial bodies, which have a lifespan of billions of years and, even after their death, do not completely disappear but transform into other types of celestial bodies.

Additionally, the second ideogram in Korean (μ„±) is also associated with "eternal persistence". In summary, the name Samsung reflects a powerful and resilient company capable of overcoming any challenge.


Although Samsung is now widely recognized as a global technology powerhouse, it took the company over 30 years to enter this sector. Initially, Samsung operated as a food importer, dealing with products such as rice, noodles, flour, and dried fish—staples in Korean cuisine.

Later, Samsung’s founder diversified the business and opened a sugar refinery. This division eventually became the CJ Group, which remained under Samsung’s control until 1990. It was only in 1969, 31 years after its founding, that Samsung made its entry into the electronics market.


During its more than 80 years of existence, Samsung has changed its logo only three times. Until 1992, the logo still reflected the meaning of its name with three stars. Between 1938 and 1958, the company’s logo was quite unique, resembling a postage stamp.

From 1958 to 1979, the logo was simplified to feature only the name Samsung and three stars beside it.

From 1979 until 1992, Samsung used two different designs: one with just the stars and another with the name Samsung accompanied by the three stars.

In 1993, the company made its final update to its visual identity.


Known for its Galaxy line, Samsung once had a division dedicated to vehicle manufacturing, called "Samsung Commercial Vehicles". Unfortunately, this division was not very successful and existed only from 1993 to 2000.

During this period, Samsung produced commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses, as well as some prototypes of electric cars at a time when the technology was still developing. The company launched three vehicle models: the SV110 (which was later relaunched as the Nissan Atlas), the SM510, and the SM530.

All these models were subsequently relaunched by Nissan after Samsung formed a partnership with Renault and Nissan.

Despite this collaboration, Samsung’s automotive division failed to stand out and was eventually discontinued.


Samsung has a presence in over 80 countries around the world and employs hundreds of thousands of people globally.


In an alternate universe, Samsung could have been the company responsible for the Android operating system instead of Google. Android, which is now the heart of millions of smartphones and tablets, was developed by Andy Rubin in 2003. In early 2004, Rubin’s team was seeking investors to advance the project. One of their early meetings was with Samsung, where around 20 executives were introduced to Android by Rubin and his team of just 6 people.

The reaction was skeptical: "You and what army are going to create this? With only six people, are you crazy?" In 2005, Google acquired Rubin’s company for US$50 million, a decision that turned out to be one of the company’s best since the creation of its search engine. The rest is history, and today Samsung stands out as Google’s largest mobile division client.


Samsung is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of memory chips. Its DRAM and NAND memory chips are widely used in devices from various brands.


The company developed the first AMOLED screen, a technology that provides more vibrant colors and superior contrast compared to traditional LCD screens.


In 2014, Apple found itself in the midst of a controversy known as "Bendgate". After the release of the iPhone 6, the company faced criticism from users who claimed that the device bent easily when placed in the back pocket of pants. To avoid similar issues, Samsung developed a testing device known as the "robotic butt".

This device was specifically designed to assess the durability of its smartphones when carried in back pockets.

The Galaxy Note 4, which was one of the main competitors to the iPhone at the time, was one of the models subjected to this mechanical butt test.


A technology company of Samsung’s scale doesn’t achieve success without significant investment in research and development. After IBM, Samsung is one of the global leaders in patent registrations, averaging around 10,000 patents per year.

According to Business Korea, Samsung holds over 200,000 patents worldwide, with most related to smartphones, Smart TVs, semiconductors, chips, and other advanced technologies. The company also stands out as a leader in 5G technology patents, with over 1,700 records dedicated to this area.

Additionally, Samsung annually dedicates a substantial amount to research and development. In 2021, for example, the company invested over $20 billion in enhancing and advancing its technologies.


In an alternate universe, our beloved dogs would be digital influencers earning millions of “dog dollars” with their posts and "swipe-ups". The most renowned would live in luxurious dog houses manufactured by Samsung.

In 2015, the South Korean giant launched the “Samsung Dream Doghouse,” which literally translates to "Dream Dog House".

Created by a team of 12 designers, this house costs US$30,000 and comes equipped with a range of luxury items: a treadmill, a jacuzzi, a television, an automatic feeder, and even walls adorned with photos of other dogs.

A true canine paradise!


Samsung was one of the first companies to offer 5G technology for mobile devices, significantly contributing to the global expansion of 5G networks.


Finding mobile internet signal can be a challenge in the interior of my state, so imagine at the top of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, standing at 8,849 meters above sea level. In 2011, a team of climbers made history by making the first call using a 3G network with a Galaxy SII at the summit of Everest.

They also posted the first tweet from there. Nowadays, the mountain even has infrastructure for 5G connections. However, in 2011, this was a significant challenge, and Samsung played an important role in this achievement.


Indeed, it seems Samsung is present in various sectors. The company has a division dedicated to construction, called "Samsung C&T Corporation". This division was responsible for constructing the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, located in Dubai.

The Burj Khalifa stands at an impressive height of 828 meters and holds several records, including the tallest man-made structure, the building with the most floors (200 in total), and the highest swimming pool in the world, located on the 76th floor. The construction was a colossal and extremely challenging project.

Engineers faced unprecedented problems that were only solved thanks to advanced technology provided by Samsung.

To grasp the magnitude of the project, the following materials were used:

- 330 million liters of concrete;

- 39,000 tons of steel;

- 103,000 square meters of glass;

- 22 million hours of labor.


Samsung supplies a range of electronic components for satellites. These components include memory chips, processors, and sensors that are essential for the operation and communication of satellites in orbit.

The company collaborates with various space organizations and technology companies to develop and provide technologies that can be used in space missions.

Samsung also contributes to the technology used in communication satellites, which are crucial for data transmission, television, and internet services worldwide.

Samsung is a global giant that stands out not only for its technological innovations but also for its diversification and impact across various industries.

From its humble beginnings in the food trade to its position as a leader in electronics and advanced technology, Samsung's journey reflects a continuous commitment to innovation. Additionally, its involvement with space technology, supplying essential electronic components for satellites, demonstrates its ability to contribute to progress in highly specialized sectors.

With a global presence and a diverse portfolio, Samsung continues to shape the future of technology, solidifying its role as a leading force in the global technology landscape.